Friday 12 December 2008

Genesis: re-written.

Given that the vast majority of religious people now realise that the Genesis story is an allegory (although obviously still a huge number think the world was created along with heaven about 37,000 years ago), I thought it would be a good idea to rewrite it.

A more accurate beginning would be:

Genesis 1:1 In the beginning, God created the universe and saw that is was good. 2 Thirteen billion, five hundred million years later, He created Man. 3 In the 13.5 billion years before God created Man, He just really exploded stars and tried to mix matter and anti-matter together."

In other news, yet another Catholic priest has been found guilty of sexual abuse of children. Nothing new there but a particular poignancy in this one as this fella in Sunderland is to be sentenced on the 23rd December...meaning he'll wake up for his first day behind bars on Christmas Eve. I wonder if he'll find Jesus in prison.

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